Number of UK web traffic authorities down a third over the last decade

An investigation has exposed that the number of web traffic authorities officers on duty in the UK has fallen by almost a third over the last decade. 
A flexibility of info request sent to the UK’s 45 domestic authorities forces exposes that cuts to authorities numbers on our roads have accelerated within the last five years in particular.
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30 forces responded to the request with full details of web traffic policeman numbers over the last ten years. In 2007, the 30 participating forces declared 3,766 officers. This fell to 3,472 in 2012, while today the figure stands at 2,643. It means that the general figure is down 30 per cent compared to 2007.
Select forces increased the number of web traffic officers on duty between 2007 as well as 2012, however the general pattern is of declining numbers, with a sharp reduction in officers between 2012 as well as 2017 associated to cuts to policing budgets. 
Some forces felt the pinch more than others – Northamptonshire authorities has seen an 83 per cent decrease in its web traffic policeman ranks over the last ten years, with just nine devoted officers compared to 52 a decade ago. higher Manchester authorities likewise saw a considerable drop, with a 69 per cent reduction in numbers.
A handful of forces have increased numbers though – Hertfordshire (up 44%), Northumbria (up 32%), West Mercia (up 26%), Surrey (up 14%) as well as Sussex (up 11%).
The AA stated the decline might see more drivers getting away with crimes. A spokesperson said: “We requirement more cops in cars, not fewer. The UK has among the safest roads in Europe, although the number of people killed as well as seriously injured on our roads has started to increase after many years of steady decline. perhaps there is a link?” 
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A spokesperson for the house office said: “The government has secured general authorities costs in genuine terms since the costs evaluation 2015 as well as we will always ensure forces have the resources they requirement to do their vitally important work.
“Effective roads policing is not necessarily dependent on devoted road web traffic officers: the utilize of technology, other authorities workers as well as regional neighborhoods likewise have a function to play.”

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