Polestar project 0 to be completely carbon neutral

Polestar has updated its commitment to produce a completely climate-neutral production car by 2030 by establishing a number of agreements with essential industry suppliers, who will become partners in the development of the ‘Project 0’ car. 
Steel producer SSAB will partner with Polestar to develop and produce fossil-free steel for use in the car’s construction. Similarly, Norwegian renewable energy firm Hydro will collaborate to create zero-carbon aluminium. 

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Further agreements have been struck with automotive providers Autoliv and ZF and ZKW, to develop climate-neutral seatbelts, airbags, electric motors, electrical systems and much more for the project. 
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Polestar has also extended an open invitation to any other automotive providers who would be interested in working with Polestar on project 0.
Hans Pehrson, Polestar’s former R&D boss who now leads the Polestar 0 Project, said: “We believe in the exponential development of climate service technologies.
“For this project, we should tap into services that are still in the development stage. even much more exciting is that the services we develop will not only benefit the automotive industry overall but help decarbonise manufacturing and society much more widely as well.”
Most producers offset their carbon emissions by planting trees or other green initiatives. but last year, Polestar CEO, Thomas Ingenlath, argued that true carbon-neutrality would require producers to rethink how their cars are built; especially now that climate experts are raising questions over the long-term carbon storage capability of forests.
“Offsetting is a cop-out,” said Ingenlath. “By pushing ourselves to create a completely climate-neutral car, we are forced to reach beyond what is possible today. We will have to question everything, innovate and look to exponential technologies as we design towards zero.”
Ingenlath continued, saying: “Consumers are a huge driving force in the shift to a sustainable economy. They need to be given the best tools to make informed and ethical decisions. This makes things very clear. Today, Polestar 2 leaves the factory gates with a carbon footprint. In 2030 we want to present a car that does not.”
Polestar’s Head of Sustainability, Fredrika Klarén, echoed Ingenlath’s comments, saying: “We’re electric, so we don’t have to worry about combustion engines producing toxic emissions – but that doesn’t imply our job is done. 

“We will now work to eradicate all emissions stemming from production. now is a historic and exciting time for car makers, an opportunity to seize the moment, do better and dare to build the dream of climate-neutral, circular and beautiful cars.”
Now read our review of the pure-electric Polestar 2…

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